We would like to hear from you

We would greatly appreciate hearing your thoughts and insights on our Diving In projects and any activities that you took part in this year.

Donald Insall Associates

Central to our restoration journey in realising our ambitious plans are Donald Insall Associates, a distinguished AJ100 architectural practice with an impressive track record spanning over 60 years in historic building conservation. They are the architects behind the successful restoration of our Gala pool roof in 2020 and the ‘Manager’s Flat’ in 2022. Currently, they are leading us into phase 1 of the building works, which commences this October 202

Mace – Shaping a Legacy for Moseley Road Baths

One of the organisations helping us realise this ambitious project is Mace Consult Limited, an esteemed partner providing construction project management services for Moseley Road Baths during phase 1 of the capital works programme.

Thank you

Today, we gather to offer gratitude, extending our heartfelt appreciation to those who have stood with us, those who shared their precious time, those who swam in our water’s week after week, those who embarked on our guided tours, and even those who simply pressed the ‘like’ button on our posts.

Local pupils create designs for the future

Donald Insall Architects have been running workshops with schools local to Moseley Road Baths to explore their many fantastical ideas for spaces at Moseley Road Baths and Balsall Heath Library.

How do we tell the stories of Moseley Road Baths?

We want to centre the histories of Moseley Road Baths and of the many people who have walked through its doors – for swimming, socialising, bathing, work and community events.  We want to know what is important to you about the building and how we can make these stories come to life in an accessible, dynamic way.