How do we tell the stories of Moseley Road Baths?

We want to centre the histories of Moseley Road Baths and of the many people who have walked through its doors – for swimming, socialising, bathing, work and community events.  We want to know what is important to you about the building and how we can make these stories come to life in an accessible, dynamic way.

Young Curators’ Creative producer

“Entering into Moseley Road Baths instantly inspired me, as you feel as though you have been transported back in time with its original fixtures, tiles and framework.”

Young Curators of Moseley Road Baths

With support from our staff and team of experts from our wider network you will be provided with the skills, resources and agency to explore stories with your chosen audiences and communities.

We want your views

We are delighted to announce that our early restoration and development plans have been drawn up. We are now seeking feedback from our local residents, baths and library users, as well as the wider Birmingham community.