Drowning Prevention week

One of the largest summer water safety campaign across the UK and Ireland.
Small Charity Week 19th to 24th June

Small charities week 2022 Let’s go back to….2016 Moseley road baths has come such a long way since the council’s decision to finally close its doors in 2017. Upon hearing this news, In 2016 a group of organisations came together to form a ‘coalition of the willing’, led by the National Trust, to work alongside […]
Roxie’s story – MRB celebrating volunteers

A volunteer’s story: There’s something in the water Saturday 12 th March 2022 is a wonderful day. I proudly hold in my hand keys to the Grade II* listed Moseley Road Baths: I have responsibility for the building during Balsall Heath Second Saturday. The day already felt like it held significance, not just because of […]
Viv’s story – MRB celebrating volunteers

Viv Harrison – MRB celebrating volunteer stories
Disabled access points

Updated information regarding wheelchair access to Pool 2 and The Gala Pool.