CODA Workshops

Local architects CODA Workshop will be resident in the space, inviting us to share memories of our most treasured pieces of furniture, exploring what and who makes these items so special to us and creating models and designs of furniture in response to our memories.
ITCH Performance

Join us on 27th July for a free performance night of new experimental live art in the relaxed, informal space of the baths’ transformed Gala Pool Living Room. 18 + only
BHTV curated by Flatpack Festival

Gather round the television for “BHTV”, three channels of Balsall Heathen programming curated by Flatpack Festival in our Living Room
Monthly Music Takeovers presents:
Love hertz

Join Shelley from Love Hertz / Leaf Creative Arts/ Brum Radio, for some water themed, splash-tastic, tropical sounds that will make your heart swim.
Hamara Ghar / Amar Ghor: Weaving Workshop by Nilupa Yasmin

To celebrate the opening of the Balsall Heath Living Room Project, join us for our launch on Saturday 15th July.
With a performance by Ayan Aden followed up by a weaving workshop facilitated by Nilupa Yasmin
Mini Athletics South Birmingham

At Mini Athletics we take what children love to do the most (running super fast, jumping high and throwing far) and mix it with imaginative themes, learning to follow instructions, making friends and developing gross motor skills.
Edible Kitchen with Fruit and Nut Village

As part of Balsall Heath’s Living Room this workshop will be running in our previously never used space – The Courtyard for the very first time!
Toddlers Arts & Crafts Session

FREE Our Toddlers Arts and Crafts program has had a wonderful start with the brilliant Nazma leading the sessions.
Family Holiday Arts and Crafts

We are delighted to offer this FREE session in Easter Halfterm. Please join us in our Gala Pool for arts & crafts, games and refreshments!
Moseley Road Baths guided tours led by the FoMRB

Enjoy a lively and informative guided tour of the Grade 2* listed Moseley Road Baths, the only pool of its kind in the world.